Wednesday, February 13, 2013


So since HR and I sufficiently suck at keeping up with this pretty little slice of the interwebs that is ours- I figured I would do a wee little update on my life... Well not a lot of an update, because really- my life isn't terribly interesting unless you are my mom... or my boyfriends mom. Both of whom I am sure are reading this... (Hi Moms!!)

So we are going to do this backwards... because that is how my Facebook is and I am stealing everything from there. Don't worry, I asked myself before I did it.

*disclaimer- I don't remember how to spell any of these Spanish words. I barely remember them. :) *

Number Uno: I have a personal blog, ... Feel free to check it out. It gets updated less than this one- but it's more personal life based!

Number Dos: The last three weeks I have been teaching a practicum at a local elementary school- third grade isn't exactly my cup of tea- but these kiddos are blessing!!

Our activity this week was learning to compare and contrast with Venn diagrams... My mama made the cut and this is the first and I am 100,000,000% sure not the last time she will be in some sort of activity in my teaching career.

Number Tres: I got to help the teachers and administrators at school this week, I was handpicked. Cause I'm awesome. And Dr. Barger loves me! :)

Pretty much, they have students take potential teaching canidates to lunch during the interview process to see how they relate and interact with us... For some reason I got chosen. I had to dress pretty. I love this outfit! It's easy and cute and comfy. Plus, it's fall/spring- bazinga! Two for one!

Number Quatro:  My exhausting work schedule.

I open a local gym four days a week, meaning I have to be at work at FIVE IN THE MORNING. However, upside? I get off by 9 am and I am free (well except for school and my other job) to spend my days as I please!

Number Cinco: This. You are welcome fellow twentysomethings and othersomethingsthatdon'twanttobeagrownupyet.

Enjoy. And then watch all the movies- cause they make me giggle and belly laugh and maybe cry just a bit.

Number Sies: I corrupted a small child.

I may or may not have taught this precious baby how to stick his tounge out. I'm going to go with I did actually, because it is pretty freaking fantastically cute!!!!! And then we made silly videos for like three hours. Then he took a nap on me and I didn't dare move cause he WAS SO DANG CUTE.

Number Cieta: This is the sole reason I survive somedays.

Pst. A Skinny Vanilla Latte- Grande only has 120 calories. You're welcome.

Number Ocho: I spent some time over cheap bar food and alocholic beverages with this pretty lady.

She taught me in THIRD GRADE. We talked about everything and I do mean everything. I love her and her wisdom. Plus she called me a wise owl and I fell even more in love with our friendship. She makes me smile and belly laugh!

She snapped this photo of yours truly- I was looking a little *meh* that night. Scarves are my go to.

Last but not least- I've been quoting like crazy on Facebook lately. Here are the gems I've found and since fell in love with.

*None of which have sources because I can't seem to find them now/forgot. Ooops.*

“When you decide to live out what you believe. When you decide you want peace in your possession, then you will find out what that looks like & feels like. You begin to pray for God to give you peace. You incorporate peace in your relationships. You decide to respond differently. You speak in love. Act in tenderness. You imitate what you know about peace until it becomes a reality for your character & your life.”

"The days are long, but the years are short."

"I can't stop drinking the coffee. If I stop drinking the coffee, I stop doing the standing and the walking and the wordsputtingintosentdencedoing." -- actually this one is from Gilmore Girls- I love me some GG!!

And finally a little bit from me to you!

It reminds me how looking back, everything seems so clear, but when you're in it, sometimes it's hard to know where you're headed. I have a tendency to want to rush, to get to the next thing, the better, the best, but I think sometimes it's good to just sit back and enjoy the journey you're on, the place you're at. It reminds me of this. To just stop and embrace the now, which might just be the beginning of so much more than you know.

All done.


xoxo Jess

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Life isnt a cereal either... Well it is.

Sometimes a dear friends shares an awesome video with you, 99.9% of the time you watch it a bajillion times until you could quote it in your sleep.


I don't know everything, I'm just a 21 year old college student in this crazy period of my life where everything is in the air still... But I have realized that this is the time to do the crazy things, stay up late and watch stupid videos for hours and wait until the day that four page paper is due to do it.

Because soon I will have a job, a husband, a family, people that count on me all the time, students who expect their teacher to be there and teach and do with them. I will be a full fledged ADULT. (btw, when did that happen?!!?!?!?!?)

I need to do something now with the time I have to "waste". Why not do something awesome?

This video makes me want to go out and DO SOMETHING. I want to create something to make the world AWESOME.

This is your time, my time, our time.



Pick the road to AWESOME.

xoxo JC