When we were young, stressful things amounted to not being able to pass notes in class, or another friend acting stupid. Things were easy. We had our rough moments, and we've both done things we regret. Yet, here I am, ten years later, still standing next to one of the most inspirational and meaningful people in my life. Yeah, she's a little OCD, a little bit of a worry-wart, a little bit of crazy-mom-personality with a ton of awesome thrown in. She's organized to my messy, she's the country music to my hip-hop, she's the modest to my revealing, the brunette to my blond. She's my JESS LYNN CONDERMAN, and I love her SO MUCH.
Tomorrow we're all going on this little trip to some wineries to celebrate her big 2-1. In buildup to this trip, Jess and I have established a list of things I, Heather Rae, am NOT ALLOWED TO DO. We'll see how this goes.
I am not allowed to dance like so;
(I lost the original picture we took for this, but I think this guy pretty much covers it...Thanks bro).
I am not allowed to throw down. (We didn't explicitly cover the extent and rules of this one, so I'm going to have to use some judgement here. But basically what I think she meant was I can't be like...)
I am probably not allowed to dress incognito and stare at strangers;
I am probably not allowed to eat an apple and use that as an excuse to ignore the things people say to me;
I am eating an apple, therefore your argument is invalid.
I am probably not allowed to put on a high school football helmet and run around ramming random things with my protected skull.
But I might try to get away with it anyway.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESS LYNN!!! Thank you for putting up with antics like these for ten years and counting. I wouldn't have it any other way!!! Here's to the official start to another year of awesome. Cheers!
<3 HR
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