Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Filling in the Blanks and Being Generally Sappy. Do with it what you will.

"I’ve got my ticket for the long way ‘round"

Well, here it is. I’m coming to the rapid close of my first year away from home, my first year of architecture school, my first year at OU. Oh, man. How do I even begin to sum up these thoughts? It’s been… spectacular. I head home in a little over two weeks, and it feels so surreal. I’ll be returning to my stomping grounds, the places I’ve left.

What will have changed while I’ve been away? More importantly, who will have changed? I guess if I’m going to be completely honest with myself, how have I changed? How have we all changed? It’s easy to grow with someone. However, when you spend months apart at a time, it can become difficult to grow together, and much easier to grow apart. It would be a lie to say that I’m not concerned about meeting my friends all over again.

Some of us have kept in touch better than others, but some of us have drifted very far apart. This is a cliché journey of life though, and as such, this will happen as it happens. I am looking forward to seeing my friends, however all of us have changed. I’m also looking forward to seeing all of my animals. Those of you who know me well know how I love my animals, and they also know that every animal I meet is “mine.”  J I can’t wait to see Fiona (my chicken) and my puppy (Gizmo!) and my kitties and scrappyandmizzouandfinnandsalsaandnachoandtheminisandramboandshannon and well you get the idea…

"The one with the prettiest of views"
            This year feels like it flew by so fast! I have enjoyed my work here at OU (UNDERSTATEMENT) and I’m already looking forward to next year. It’s an incredible thing to find something you truly love to do.

I’m not saying that I don’t have my bad days, because we all know that I have the “it’s-raining-and-I-hate-people-and-there-is-no-way-I’m-getting-out-of-this-bed” days, but I have lovely friends both here and away that never fail to encourage me on those days. I don’t always have the will to respond (those of you with any kind of depression will know how this feels) but know that I do see them and that I do love you. All of you. There are things you never get to know in life, and many of you will never know how encouraging your words really can be.

I digress. This year has given me some new insights, and, if I’m to sum it up in a "few" words… here’s a list of a few things I’ve learned, and not just the school stuff. The real life stuff as well. 

1          1.     Appreciate.
I recently found something that I wrote several years ago, and it said “start with the fundamental assumption that the only thing you are better than everyone else at is reading your own handwriting.” Past-Heather Rae knew what was up. Look around you. Everything you see was an effort of someone else (unless you’re outside. Then you can take this opportunity to respect a very intimate creator, whatever your beliefs may be). Each chair you sit in, each piece of art hanging mundanely on a wall, each street you walk, was someone else’s work. Not all of it is done well. Not all of it was made passionately. Remember that much of it was. Remember that every person you meet has a passion, as obscure as it may be. Learn to appreciate that fire in them, and they will learn to appreciate it in someone else. It’s a beautiful circle.

2          2.     Make memories, not albums.
Many of you know that I’ve recently treated myself to a nice new camera. While this is true, and I love finding things to photograph, I’ve learned that not everything has to be documented. Not every laugh needs a picture. Not every word needs to be written. We have a society of instant sharing, viewing, clicking, copying, pasting. Realize that your life is your own, and while connecting with friends and getting likes on facebook is great, don’t cheapen your experiences by whoring them out to the world for “likes.” Keep them close to your heart, and keep them safe. They are the things you will tell your grandchildren someday, and there will be no picture worth the emotional words you might say about your long past memory. Also, there are maybe two people who care about what you’re eating for lunch today.

3          3.     Money is not that important. I promise.
Many of us have recognized the craziness of our system that says:

Go to college. à Pay lots of money. à Get a degree no one cares about. à Fight for a job that you don’t even like. à Sit and stare at calendars of your hobby and wish you could pursue it. à Can’t afford it because of education. à Be miserable.

How many people do we know who have followed this cycle? You know at least one. I know many. While it takes time to learn what happiness is and how to achieve it, and while you should be careful with your money, please, never, never, pass up an opportunity to do something you are passionate about simply because of money. Pinch pennies. Find a way. Remember those memories I was talking about? You won’t regret it.

4          4.     If it hurts, stop it.
I’m not really sure this needs explanation. To sum it up, don’t waste time with things that are not going to improve you, your life, or those around you worth improving. This can be interpreted many ways, so try not to be narrow minded about it, like I used to be. Weigh the growth versus the pain. Be honest with yourself when doing this. Ask someone you respect for his or her opinion. Then the hard part; listen to it.

5. Love yourself second.
Try to find at least one person or creature you care for more than yourself, one that you will sacrifice time and energy for, even if it comes with little or no appreciation. This doesn’t have to be an openly devoted thing. They don’t even have to know, and they especially don’t have to understand. Try to do at least one thing you wouldn’t have to do for someone that has no obligation to you. This is an age-old concept. There’s a reason for that. Try it.

"It’s got mountains, it’s got rivers, it’s got sights to give you shivers"

That seems like a long enough list for now. Maybe I’ll add to it later. “Rules of Heather Rae: Filling in the blanks.” As for me, I plan to spend the summer having everyday adventures and getting to know my excellent friends all over again. Also, cuddling puppies and chickens. I’ll be taking my camera and my heart and at least sometimes a friend on a motorcycle or a dog.

"But it sure would be prettier with you."

      Saying goodbye to Norman for the summer seems a lot harder than it should be, but I guess that because I’m really saying goodbye to a new life. Going back home has felt like I’m a puzzle piece that’s been dropped in a puddle—I just don’t quite fit right anymore. So now we’ll just be a bunch of puzzle pieces hanging out, and that’s perfectly fine too. I’m also saying goodbye to my dear roommate, my boyfriend, my studio, my professors, and my new dear friends, but this is temporary. I’m sure the summer will fly by just like the semester. I know I’ll have my bad days, but I’ll be pulled (or pushed?) through those just the same.

Let me know if you would like more lessons learned/Heather Rae's rules. Number seven is "Never, ever, turn down a cupcake." 

I'm also really looking forward to some frozen yogurt with a certain Extreme Friend. 

To avoid a sappy cliché ending, here’s a joke Patrick found on the Internet somewhere: What was Beethoven’s favorite kind of fruit? Ba-NA-NA-NA!

that is all. 

<3 HR

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


So since HR and I sufficiently suck at keeping up with this pretty little slice of the interwebs that is ours- I figured I would do a wee little update on my life... Well not a lot of an update, because really- my life isn't terribly interesting unless you are my mom... or my boyfriends mom. Both of whom I am sure are reading this... (Hi Moms!!)

So we are going to do this backwards... because that is how my Facebook is and I am stealing everything from there. Don't worry, I asked myself before I did it.

*disclaimer- I don't remember how to spell any of these Spanish words. I barely remember them. :) *

Number Uno: I have a personal blog, ... Feel free to check it out. It gets updated less than this one- but it's more personal life based!

Number Dos: The last three weeks I have been teaching a practicum at a local elementary school- third grade isn't exactly my cup of tea- but these kiddos are blessing!!

Our activity this week was learning to compare and contrast with Venn diagrams... My mama made the cut and this is the first and I am 100,000,000% sure not the last time she will be in some sort of activity in my teaching career.

Number Tres: I got to help the teachers and administrators at school this week, I was handpicked. Cause I'm awesome. And Dr. Barger loves me! :)

Pretty much, they have students take potential teaching canidates to lunch during the interview process to see how they relate and interact with us... For some reason I got chosen. I had to dress pretty. I love this outfit! It's easy and cute and comfy. Plus, it's fall/spring- bazinga! Two for one!

Number Quatro:  My exhausting work schedule.

I open a local gym four days a week, meaning I have to be at work at FIVE IN THE MORNING. However, upside? I get off by 9 am and I am free (well except for school and my other job) to spend my days as I please!

Number Cinco: This. You are welcome fellow twentysomethings and othersomethingsthatdon'twanttobeagrownupyet.

Enjoy. And then watch all the movies- cause they make me giggle and belly laugh and maybe cry just a bit.

Number Sies: I corrupted a small child.

I may or may not have taught this precious baby how to stick his tounge out. I'm going to go with I did actually, because it is pretty freaking fantastically cute!!!!! And then we made silly videos for like three hours. Then he took a nap on me and I didn't dare move cause he WAS SO DANG CUTE.

Number Cieta: This is the sole reason I survive somedays.

Pst. A Skinny Vanilla Latte- Grande only has 120 calories. You're welcome.

Number Ocho: I spent some time over cheap bar food and alocholic beverages with this pretty lady.

She taught me in THIRD GRADE. We talked about everything and I do mean everything. I love her and her wisdom. Plus she called me a wise owl and I fell even more in love with our friendship. She makes me smile and belly laugh!

She snapped this photo of yours truly- I was looking a little *meh* that night. Scarves are my go to.

Last but not least- I've been quoting like crazy on Facebook lately. Here are the gems I've found and since fell in love with.

*None of which have sources because I can't seem to find them now/forgot. Ooops.*

“When you decide to live out what you believe. When you decide you want peace in your possession, then you will find out what that looks like & feels like. You begin to pray for God to give you peace. You incorporate peace in your relationships. You decide to respond differently. You speak in love. Act in tenderness. You imitate what you know about peace until it becomes a reality for your character & your life.”

"The days are long, but the years are short."

"I can't stop drinking the coffee. If I stop drinking the coffee, I stop doing the standing and the walking and the wordsputtingintosentdencedoing." -- actually this one is from Gilmore Girls- I love me some GG!!

And finally a little bit from me to you!

It reminds me how looking back, everything seems so clear, but when you're in it, sometimes it's hard to know where you're headed. I have a tendency to want to rush, to get to the next thing, the better, the best, but I think sometimes it's good to just sit back and enjoy the journey you're on, the place you're at. It reminds me of this. To just stop and embrace the now, which might just be the beginning of so much more than you know.

All done.


xoxo Jess

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Life isnt a cereal either... Well it is.

Sometimes a dear friends shares an awesome video with you, 99.9% of the time you watch it a bajillion times until you could quote it in your sleep.


I don't know everything, I'm just a 21 year old college student in this crazy period of my life where everything is in the air still... But I have realized that this is the time to do the crazy things, stay up late and watch stupid videos for hours and wait until the day that four page paper is due to do it.

Because soon I will have a job, a husband, a family, people that count on me all the time, students who expect their teacher to be there and teach and do with them. I will be a full fledged ADULT. (btw, when did that happen?!!?!?!?!?)

I need to do something now with the time I have to "waste". Why not do something awesome?

This video makes me want to go out and DO SOMETHING. I want to create something to make the world AWESOME.

This is your time, my time, our time.



Pick the road to AWESOME.

xoxo JC

Monday, December 10, 2012

I Haven't Painted My Nails Since Before Thanksgiving...Thoughts on Being an Architecture Major

Today I submitted a portfolio of my work as an architecture major for my first semester at OU, and




There are times in your life when you're just floating along, going through the motions, waiting for the next big even to happen to you. However, there are other times in your life when you're been working, time crunching, typing, cutting, gluing, designing, researching, and just overall doing your best at what you can do, and that's when you really start to feel the "subtle adrenaline," the feeling from day to day that you're working toward something. 

I am so excited. 

Being at OU, finally doing something I love, has really given me a new perspective on things. Our classes are constantly focused on what's next for us as students, and even bigger than that, what's ahead of us for careers. Architecture is a hard major, and believe me, I'm not good at everything we do. The standard introduction question when you meet someone new on campus is "what's your major?" When I meet new people and respond with "Architecture," the common response is "Oh, so i'm never going to see you." That's pretty true, seeing as how I haven't even had time to paint my fingernails since early November. As arch majors, we basically live in the studio when we have projects to do, and often, just when we need a place to be. We're learning to love each other, and get to know each other really well. Those of us who will be sticking with architecture after this first semester will grow even closer. 

Now I spend my time sketching even when I don't have to. They're not fantastic, but they'll get better with practice. 

It's hard to explain how I feel about this program. I love my family and friends and jobs back home, but what I'm doing now, feels like a future. Take that for whatever sappiness it is. Some people spend a long time figuring out who they are, and what they want to do. Others of us, we just know, and we go for it. I guess at the end of the day, my dollar value is approximately negative 20,000 dollars, I'm deprived of sleep on a regular basis, and I'm usually stressed with the literally never ending homework.  But when I turn in the portfolio of my hard work (projects that are not just turned in and trashed, but documented and saved for future reference) stop to have a chat with one of my professors, and high five a random studio-mate that I saw in the South Oval, I can feel the excitement bubbling. 

This is so worth it. 

<3 HR

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Time Flies When You're Slaving Away Over Homework

I know what you're thinking: Wait, what? This blog is still a thing? Yeah, I guess so.

You see, it's 11:16 at night, and although I still have to finish my sketchbook for studio, and begin studying for my finals week after next, I'm feeling incredibly laid back because I've finished three other projects that we due early this week. So right now, I would just like to take some time to... exist.

Besides, updating my blog seemed like a lot more fun that just doing MORE homework.

So here's a synopsis of my life since early August:

Met my roommate, Emily. She is SCARILY like Jess, but just different enough. We get along beautifully and she is probably my closet friend at OU.

Okay. Umm... Here's some pictures of my apartment. It's pretty big considering it's only for two people!

 These were taken while the apartment was clean... it's normally not THIS clean.
 There's a picture of my EF on the fridge if you look closely. Note the teakettle. We use the teakettle a LOT.

 A mysterious Regina is sitting on that couch.
 My Vanity (Emily has her own).
 My bathroom (Emily has her own).
 My room.
 My bed.

 My dresser. See gabby on the wall? She watches me as I leave the room as says, "Seriously? That's what you're gonna wear? MEER."
 My pictures, hangar, desk.
 My shelf of beloved things. A few of you may recognize items on it.
 My desk...
"I didn't have room to work" NOT AN ACCEPTABLE EXCUSE AT OU.

Besides all that, I met Patrick:

 This is a cool cop getup I made for a party. "cops and robbers."
This picture will let you fill in the blank for our description.

I also experienced my first OU football games, my first road trip back home for Thanksgiving, and well... lots of things. I think this is a good sum up... I promise not to go too long before my next post.

<3 HR

Monday, August 27, 2012


So my Aunt Tina, who is AWESOME threw me a fun birthday party at her house the weekend after I turned 21!

It was a Mexican Fiesta theme and we had lots of yummy food and margaritas!! I had a blast and got to celebrate with my little sister and other girl's from my family!

My aunt and sister threw it for me and my Mama, my second cousin Anna and my cousin Melanie were there! We ate, drank, played games and just chatted and talked about life in general. 

It was a great time and I loved the cake! It was delicious!!

A fantastic time was had by all!! 

xoxo, Jess


So, Heather and I got this bright idea to do Henna tattoo's right before we went to the Lake... And cause John was in London and I needed something to distract me!

And because we who we are, we "planned" this out perfectly... which means that we didn't really plan it, we just winged it.

Well winging it didn't work out in our favor this time, we did it the first night and got up the next day and realized that the Henna hadn't stuck at all. It was duuummmbb.

But then we got the bright idea to buy a technical kit and we made it work!! And then we realized that we had enough Henna to tattoo a freaking army! So invited my little sister over and did Henna on her too! 

The Henna actually lasted for almost over three weeks on my skin... But Heather started to quickly lose hers after the first few days... We decided that her skin was a bit too oily... And mine was probably too dry! 

Oh well! We had fun with it!! 

Our Henna at the lake!! EF style!

This one was my favorite besides the one on my back!

We suggest not doing handwritting... it spreads and doesn't look that fantastic!

My favorite of Heathers!

And yes, your eyes aren't messing up, that is duct tape... And yes, it HURT pulling it off. Like a mother of someone. Ouch!!

Oh the things that the EF and I get ourselves into! 

xoxo, Jess